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    Exercise And The Elderly

    Exercise And The Elderly

    According to the HSE one of the most important steps in maintaining good health as we age is to exercise for 30 mins, 3-5 days a week. This exercise does not need to be strenuous but it is recommended that you get your heart beating a little faster and your lungs breathing a little deeper.

    Activities can range from everyday tasks such as working in the garden, washing the car, walking the dog or even strolling around the shops.

    Regular exercise in the elderly has shown brilliant health benefits. Such as:

    • Improved blood pressure
    • Improved sleeping pattern
    • Improved muscle function
    • Improved short term memory
    • Decreased heart disease
    • Decreased depression
    • Decreased risk of falling
    • Decreased risk of colon, breast, prostate, rectal cancer and dementia.
    • Decreased diabetes

    Exercise that is suited to you:

    One excellent form of exercise for older adults is cycling. Just 30 mins of cycling 3-5 days a week can help improve muscle function and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

     We understand that not everybody feels confident cycling on busy roads. They may be feeling unfit and want to exercise effectively without having to spend lots of money on heavy machinery. Here at Beechfield Healthcare we have just the solution for you!

    Now you can exercise from your chair!

    One of our best-selling exercising products is our Deluxe Pedal Exerciser. It is ideal for users with limited mobility allowing low impact exercise that's easy on the joints and allows the blood to flow easily throughout the upper and lower body.

    Improving flexibility and strength, this pedal exerciser is an excellent way for those who are unable to exercise in the standing position but still want to exercise.

    With its wide leg spread, rubber non-marking feet and wrap around adjustable foot straps this pedal exerciser is ideal for use, while sat in your chair or even wheelchair.

    The resistance can be adjusted to ensure a good workout for all fitness levels. It has a built in digital screen to show you how many calories you’ve burned and what distance you’ve cycled.

    Exercising with limited mobility

    Another one of our best-selling exercising products is The Thera Trainer Tigo 510. It is a professional therapy device especially for wheelchair users and people with walking disability.

    With the THERA-Trainer Tigo active (with muscle power), assistive or passive (with motor power) exercise is possible. This top of the range model comes with a large touch screen, leg and upper body exerciser wih leg, foot and tip up protection.

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