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    Blog posts of '2016' 'August'

    (0) Choosing The Right Walking Aid

    Although for some people a Walking Aid may initially represent dependence and disability, ironically, we find that once people begin to use one and experience an improved sense stability it actually offers even more independence and they have more freedom than before.   If you feel you need an extra support, don’t restrict yourself, get a Walking Aid and stay active.  Don’t miss out on catching-up with friends and family.   


    In general, Rollators, because of their wheels and agility, are best if you are able to walk, but need help with balance and stability, or fatigue easily. Most rollators also have a basket or storage bag so they can be used to carry a wallet, phone, keys or other items, and many have a built-in seat.  They are available in both 3 and 4 wheel versions and most are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.


    If you cannot bear weight on one or both legs (for example, after a hip replacement or other surgery) but are otherwise mobile enough not to require a wheelchair, a walker is generally the right choice.   We have a wide range of mobility walkers available from narrow to bariatric size and most come with adjustable legs to ensure that the Walker is the correct height for the user and is comfortable to use.

    Walking Sticks & Canes

    Our Walking Sticks range is functional, sturdy and stylish. Choose from a traditional style Stick or choose from our range of Foldable Walking Sticks that are available in a wide range of colours and patterns.  We also have a variety of handle types available depending on what type of grip you need.  We also stock a Quad Cane which adds extra stability to the traditional walking cane.


    Our Crutches are perfect for both long and short term disabilities. Our Drive Medical Knee Walker is becoming a popular alternative to crutches as it decreases the likelihood of falls and is more comfortable and effortless to use in comparison to traditional crutches.

    Which Walking Aid is right for me?

    As with all Walking Aids your Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist will recommend the right product based on your needs.  As always please contact us for advice 1890 989353. We’re here to help! 

    (0) Top 10 Bathroom Products

    Top Ten Bathroom Products

    Our wide range of bathroom products offers a solution to almost all of the everyday issues you can find in the bathroom if you have reduced or limited mobility.  Fall prevention and the retention of bathroom privacy and independence are key to us all.  The following products are our top 10 bathroom sellers.

    (0) Selecting the Correct Wheelchair

    Choosing the right wheelchair is very important and you need to ensure that it’s the perfect fit to offer optimal comfort and pressure relief.   The Wheelchair you choose will depend on a number of factors.  The main factors are usually age, body type, diagnosis or reason for using a wheelchair, how transportable it needs to be and whether it will be mainly used inside or outside the home.  Our range of steel and aluminium Wheelchairs address all of the factors above.  For complex seating extra accessories like pelvic straps, different height backs, laterals and headrests can be added.  A pressure cushion may also be needed for pressure relief. 

    (0) Top 8 things to know when buying a Rollator

    Rollators are an ideal solution for people who suffer from a long term disability, loss of confidence, stamina or strength. Rollators are a great way of increasing your mobility and giving you the support that you need while you are walking and also provide you with the safety of a security of seat for times when you are feeling tired and may need a rest. They are also a great replacement for a walking stick as a Rollator will provide support to both your arms. 

    Top 8 Questions to ask yourself before you purchase a Walker/Rollator: 

    1. Do you use a crutch or a walking stick as well? – You may need a Rollator that has a built in crutch/stick holder.

    2. What weight is the Rollator? – A walker can be made from steel or aluminium. A walker made of steel will be heavier ideal for people who need more grounding; however, a heavier walker is not always ideal for everyone.  The lightweight aluminium Rollators are more popular due to the ease of manoeuvrability.

    3. Do you intend to use the Rollator indoors or outdoors or both?  Tri Wheeled Rollators are ideal for indoor use as they are easier to manoeuvre and also will fit through most doors. A four wheeled Rollator is not always ideal for indoor use, depending on the size of your home as it has a wider turning radius and tends to be wider also. In this instance you will need to be aware of your door widths etc

    4. Will you need a seat on your Rollator?  A Rollator with a seat may be the ideal solution for you if you find you get tired while walking, however seating on a Rollator is only recommended for short periods of time. If you find you are looking for seating for longer periods a wheelchair may be more suitable for your needs.

    5. Will you need a storage compartment for your shopping or bag? Again some Rollators come equipped with a bag or a basket which will hold your personal items for you so you will not be put off balance with a bag hanging on one side of the Rollator.

    6. What braking mechanism will suit your needs?  The most common braking system are pull up levers however if you suffer from arthritis or limited hand movement you may require a Rollator with push down brakes.

    7. What Rollator height will you need?  Rollators vary in height, so if you are a tall person you will to make sure you are choosing a walker which is the correct height for you as you will not want to be stopping over.  Also if you are a shorter person you will not have the correct support or control over the Rollator if it is too high for you.

    8. Will you need to transport your Rollator in a vehicle?  Some Rollators will fold up so you can transport it easily in the boot of your car. There are Rollators which will not fold and consequently will be too big to fit in your boot depending on the size of it.

    Whatever Rollator you choose to buy we would recommend you pay a visit to our showroom where we can offer you an assessment free of charge and be sure the Walker/Rollator is right for you.